Our Future Looks Bright

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Your Future Is Bright

You hear so often criticism about our youth today and the younger generations. Many paint them with the same brush and use adjectives like entitled, lazy, overinflated etc.

However, in my role as Campus Recruiting Manager for Vector Marketing Canada, I see first-hand on daily basis students who are ambitious, hand-working, passionate and have a thirst for learning and self-development.

Another organization that does a tremendous job in growing future leaders is DECA. Vector Marketing Canada has been a sponsor of DECA Ontario for many years, and I have a great deal of confidence in our future leaders when I meet and interact with these fine students.

Their website, www.deca.ca states that, “More and more schools are recognizing DECA as a great way for students to get prepared for ‘the real world’. Students are mentored by our strongest leaders and guided by our most supportive corporate and community sponsors enabling them with the motivation, skills, and education they need to pursue a line of business. DECA fearlessly dives into a world beyond textbooks through role-plays, community projects, leadership programs, and international networking.”

These are students, as young as grade 9, who are putting on suits, practicing their presentations and participating in case competitions on their own time, knowing that they are separating themselves from their peers. I love that DECA promotes the spirit of Demonstrating Excellence and Celebrating Achievement.

DECA students are inquisitive and have a true love for business and entrepreneurship. I’m continually amazed by the detailed plans and goals they have formulated for their future. I thank the teachers who give of their time to this organization, and help students see that business and sales can be cool. They recognize that the ability to eloquently present and defend an idea is invaluable, regardless of the students’ career path.

It’s reassuring to see that so many students have the opportunity to gain first-hand insight into business through the experiential learning that takes place in DECA. I have excitement and confidence knowing these students will be some of our future leaders!