Healthy Cooking for Students – It’s Not All Easy Mac!

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Eating healthy as a College student isn’t always easy! You’re probably trying to keep your food budget at least less than the cost of tuition, you’re surrounded by other students who aren’t always interested in eating healthy, you don’t always have time to make food and if you’re in a dorm without a kitchen, you might think there’s nothing that you can do. But eating healthy as a student CAN be done – and you might be surprised about how much money you can save!

Living off a meal plan? There’s 2 easy things to remember:

1. Look for good words (broiled, steamed, grilled, and baked) rather than bad words (au gratin, fried, cream sauce, butter poached, you get the idea. Nothing’s horrible in moderation, but if you try to choose the right things 6 days a week, you’ll be doing a lot for your future health!

2. Serving sizes are smaller than you think. Take less than you think you need, drink water with your meal, eat slowly, and then think about whether you are still hungry. If you are, eat more! If you go out to eat, ask for a “to-go” container as soon as they bring out your dinner – and put half of your dinner in there for leftovers.

Have your own kitchen? Put that CUTCO to use!

Cooking for yourself really isn’t hard but not knowing where to start is scary! Added bonus: it’s cheaper! When grocery shopping, stick to the outside aisles (that’s where the fresh veggies are) and yourself a goal of buying 1 new vegetable a week and try it in a recipe! Stock up on rice, canned beans (black, red kidney, and chickpeas are a good start), and canned tomatoes when they’re on sale. Keep some basic spices on hand too – cumin, chili, basil, thyme, and cinnamon.

For a Few of my Favourite Basics Click the Title:

Chili - Here’s a start – get creative with it!

Roast Chicken- Ignore the name and the storyline, this is my never fail roast chicken recipe.

Tuna Patties - A favourite of mine!

Stir Fry- The best way to use up veggies that are about to go!

Burritos or Tacos- Here’s a good start!

Rice & Beans- But you can use canned beans instead as well so there is no soaking required

Eating healthy as a student is easier than you think! And think about the leftovers! You can use roast chicken leftovers in burritos, stir fry, chili, or rice and beans. You can put chili over rice to make it last longer! You can put burrito toppings on top of rice to make a burrito bowl. College is for learning and learning how to cook is something that will help you out for years to come!

What’s your best tip on eating healthy as a student?