3 Back Pocket Lessons I Learned From Vector Marketing

I stole from Vector. Big time. Every day, I walk around with a handful of lessons in my back pocket, which I call on regularly. I picked up these life lessons as a young college student.
They were disguised as advice for success as a Vector sales representative. Little did I know they’d pay dividends years later. My first Vector manager and mentor, Dan Casetta, taught each of these lessons to me. When you read these lessons, you’ll probably see it was no coincidence that Dan is a leader of leaders. Here they are, in no particular order:
1. Your Income Will Seldom Exceed Your Level of Personal Development
Dan reminded me daily that my business, my career and my life would usually reflect the level at which I worked on myself. Simple enough, I thought. Vector became my teacher, my number one tool, for ongoing personal development. The income followed: no complaints!
2. There Is Always A Way
In my role today as the owner of a training company, I see everyday, that the difference that makes the difference is attitude. And the attitude that creates success is an attitude of there is always a way. When everybody else says no – say yes. When others say we can’t – say we can. Vector showed me how to become a solution finder, not a problem dweller.
3. Life Gives To The Givers and Takes From The Takers
The world has a perfect accounting system. I am still amazed today at the power of doing more than we are paid to do. Some would call it a spiritual principle; others would say it’s a great way to live. When we give more value than we ask for in reward, the world pays attention. Vector made this part a little too easy, by giving me a world-class product, with unmatched value.